Deutsche Ölwerke Lubmin GmbH
Freesendorfer Weg 4
17509 Lubmin
DE PHONE: +49 38354 1795-30
CHN Phone: 400 800 9093

The current position:Home > Products > Brake fluid

Product name: Brake fluid DOT5
Product Features:
(1) It is suitable for all automobile hydraulic brake systems except mineral oil, and reaches the GB 12981-2012 HZY5 standard.
(2) Equilibrium reflux boiling point ≥265℃, Wet equilibrium reflux boiling point ≥185℃.
(3) Good low-temperature fluidity can ensure the high sensitivity of the braking system even in an environment of -40°C.
(4) Good anti-rust and anti-corrosion properties, effectively protecting the brake system.
(1) This product is not a flammable dangerous product, but it is irritating to eyes and skin. Once contacted, it should be rinsed with water immediately. This product has a dissolving effect on paint.
(2) Please read the manufacturer’s recommendations carefully before adding or replacing brake fluid.
(3) Please ensure that the brake fluid is clean and securely sealed.
Packing specification: 450g/800g

Copyright:Beijing LaLi international lubricant co., LTD. National service hotline: 400 800 9093
Website: Address: 9-407 east Asia Fifth Ring International, Daxing District, Beijing